We Work With Parents and Guardians

As a parent or guardian of a person with a disability, you have a unique perspective on both the incredible abilities and support needs of your child. Work Opportunities is committed to including parents and guardians in the employment process and looks forward to partnering with you!
We know that people with disabilities can work, and that employment brings an immeasurable amount of value to their lives. We believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to be successful and fulfilled in all areas of their lives, and employment can and should play a large role in that fulfillment and success.
We often hear parents say that they hadn’t considered employment as an option for their adult child with a disability, usually because they weren’t even aware that supported employment services would be available. We want you to know that we believe in the abilities of your child, and we are here to help!
If you have any questions about services available, what supported employment services could look like for your child, or anything else, please reach out via e-mail: info@workopportunities.org.